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(Megacity re-boot)

New Analogue Sequencer!!

Almost identical re-boot of our legendary Megacity sequencer.

Smaller form factor

Desktop design

Some general over enhancements, internal improvements.

Note: This version is pure analogue and does not feature a quantiser or MIDI.

Standalone 64 step analogue step sequencer with a host of unique features that sets it apart from others


AS500-Seq Key Features

  • True analogue step sequencers using CV pot’s not encoders.

  • Analogue CV circuits.

  • Hand built in Great Britain.

  • Massive 64 steps (series mode) or 2 x 32 steps (2 channel parallel mode)

  • 2 CV outputs with Range and Glide (Portamento)

  • 4 Gate outs (2 per channel)

  • Jump and Reset – activate from MIDI note, Push Button and external Gate

  • Fill In and clock divide modes for variation

  • Compatible with Eurorack and most analogue synths with CV/Gate input

  • Voltage controlled clock

  • Many options for sequence control

  • Solid steel and aluminium construction

  • High quality sealed potentiometers, sturdy switches.

  • Unique LED matrix style tear drop raining LEDs


The manual is available for download off this website.

Additional Videos - since AS500 is almost identical to Megacity

- those old videos are still relevant and will show you the capabilities


Why Do I need this sequencer? What’s So Special?

AS500 is formatted differently and operates differently than other step sequencer.

Traditionally step sequencers run horizontally from left to right then loop back to step one. You can make the pattern shorter, but generally that’s it.

AS500 patterns run vertically downwards in columns. As the end of each column is played, the next to the right is played.

AS500 has a unique Jump system. When a Jump switch is on, the rest of the column’s steps are bypassed and the sequencer jumps straight to the start of the next column

These two features in particular as familiar enough ways of working to be intuitive, but different enough to force you to work and think in a slightly different way. The end result is you will get sequences and patterns that you might not have created otherwise.


More Variation

Many step sequencers can start to sound repetitive since it’s usually the same single pattern looping endlessly.

AS500 allows you to split the sequencer in half and use the right half as a Fill-In pattern to add variation, much like vintage drum machines.

These Fills are activated via a Push Button, or via a trigger pulse from an external modular.

 AS500’s format and Jump switches, combined with excellent features like Fill-In, Split sequencers and other features makes AS500 a great sequencer package.



If you are familiar with analogue sequencers in general, then most features of AS500 should be fairly self-explanatory, but it would still be worth having a read through this manual.

The sequencer is laid out in vertical columns, eight in total.

The sequencer runs from top to bottom, and left to right.


The Difference Between Reset and Jump

If a Reset is initiated the sequencer returns to step one, the first step of the sequencer.

Use Reset to shorten the sequence.

If a Jump is initiated the sequencer will advance (jump) to step one of the next column to the right.