


Most details can be found in the User Manuel below….


TC5000 is the same size as most AARP2500 (some ARP2500 had taller matrix panels).

Width = 1355mm

Height = 685mm

Depth = 320mm

The modules are the same size (though not compatible as TC5000 is its own system),

Weight =

If you are not yet ready to commit to a deposit, email to be added to the news list.


Above price excludes Tax/VAT and excludes delivery/crate.

This payment is for the deposit. The cart will add some value for shipping, but note, this is not the final cost of shipping. This is a large synth, so we will obtain you a shipping cost nearer delivery time.

Normal price is £24500. But those pre-ordering get it for £22000 (exc shipping and tax). Once the first batch sell price returns to normal.

Optional wing (one unit) are £13000 £11000 each for early birds. Once the first batch sell price returns to normal.

We are working hard on building the production PCBs. We are aiming for shipping towards the end of the year, or maybe January.

Only 3 left in stock